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Rodent-proof Pipes

Retrofitting pipes against damage by external factors (anti-rodent)

Anti-rodent tubes can be used safely in areas where the problem gnawed by rodents such as mice and rabbits pipe and south of the country and face beetles used. If you use a mouse repellent polyethylene pipes, rodents are not killed.

Rodents but also by psychological mechanisms (a very bitter taste stimulates the skin) away from pipes placed across the board. Anti-rodent combination of materials with thermoplastic polymer matrix is ​​based on the mechanism and material compounding Anti-rodent by this mechanism to functionalized fillers with nanoscale connected by chemical agents were Vkampand.

Mixing the above master batches with polymer polyethylene pipe grade to create a uniform and a shell of the polymer-rich phase in the master batch. Master batch made of polyethylene added to the extruder feed the outer layer. The water pipes are produced with property Anti-rodent